Friday, February 20, 2015

Vegan Cuts Subscription Healthy Snack Box Service

I recently signed up for a once a month subscription to a snack box company. I will be getting a few Healthy Snacks every month from a Company called Vegan Cuts
 They also have Vegan Makeup, and Vegan Yoga products in their other subscription service.

Today I received my first box and in my box for February, I received the following products which are  The Sexy Vegan Picks for this Month:

                                         *Emmy's Organics Chocolate Chip Macaroons
                                                                Emmy's Organics

                                             *Ziggy Marley Organics Shelled Hempseeds
                                                         Ziggy Marley Organics

                                                      *Beanfields Bean and Rice Chips

    *Wai Lana Snacks Cassava Pops Chips 

                                               *Sunwarrior Vanilla Protein blend

                                         *Seneca Snacks Natural Apple Chips
                                                                   Seneca Snacks

                                         *Munkijo Farm Fresh Organic Coconut water

                                         *180 SNACKS Bite sized popped rice snacks
                                                              180 Degree Snacks

                                         *NUTTZO Organic Crunchy nut and seed butter

                                         *Bonelli Simply Sesame Creamy Spread

Stay Tuned: My Review of each product as I try them will be posted here in the next few days.

February 24, 2015 Review
These product reviews are based on my honest opinion

Simply Sesame cream spread is a wonderful spread. Packed with nutrients and a very good flavor, in which I did not expect in a vegan spread. Other spreads I've tried tasted mostly like a variety of blended flavors to make up one flavor. Simply Sesame was down right delicious and I plan on keeping a stock of it in my pantry to use in a variety of foods such as breakfast cereals, and to spread on toast. This spread had given me a nice boost of energy as well.

Nuttzo Another spread to keep in the stocked pantry This is a delicious nutty flavor.  I believe this one had given me an extra boost of energy as well. I like this one a lot too and plan to purchase this for my outdoor activities ex: hiking, kayaking, camping.

Seneca Snacks Crispy Apple Chips, wow what an exciting and tasty chip, I expected them to be hard as some other brands, This chip is light and sweet and delicious. I am purchasing this product on a much larger scale. I plan to have several of these chips on all my outdoor activities as well as any time I want to snack on such a delicious chip.

Munkijo Coconut water Smooth and refreshing with no sweetener added. It is 100% Organic Coconut Water. Winner! what else can I say?

Wai Lana Cassava Pop Chips light and airy absolutely delicious, Another good alternative or having a variety of a healthier choice chips when company comes over or to have as a snack for anytime.

Beanfields Bean and rice Chips, a perfect blend of spices. Another good alternative or having a variety of a healthier choice chips when company comes over or to have as a snack for anytime.

Sunwarrior Protein Powder Raw Vegan Protein is definitely an acquired taste. I tried it just to see how it was and I ended up dumping it out, I did not like it at all. It said Improved taste on the label, but I can honestly tell you that taste is not for me. I could taste the pea protein even after blending it with vanilla flavored milk (Silk). Nothing I could have blended with it was going to improve the flavor for me.

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